Body pains are one of the most common flu (influenza) symptoms. Many people claim that movement hurts because their muscles are sore and achy. Even worse, physical pains can make you feel drained, weak, and exhausted. Fortunately, these symptoms can be controlled and appropriately treated.


Here we have talked about treating those aches from a cold. In addition, we have also considered the flu's causes and risk factors for you to understand it better. 


Human Influenza Virus A and B cause the flu, a respiratory ailment. To aid in the battle against illness, your body releases natural substances; muscle pains and aches result from this immunological reaction. As a result, your body is doing everything possible to make you feel better.


When you have the flu, dehydration can add to physical discomfort. Even if you're in good health, your body requires water to keep muscular cramps and discomfort at bay. When you're sick, fluid is even more critical.


The flu symptoms are chills, coughing, fever, headache, and sore throat.


The symptoms of a common cold are similar. However, they are generally milder. The flu can cause severe body pains, fever, exhaustion, and headaches. Notably, colds also tend to spread among people and last for several days. The illness may appear out of nowhere and leave you feeling increasingly weak.

Risk Factors

When people catch the flu, they may suffer aches and pains. In addition, older persons and those with chronic disorders like diabetes and autoimmune diseases tend to have more discomfort since their systems have a more challenging time battling the virus.


You should expect additional aches and pains if your body is forced to work harder. Moreover, flu sufferers in colder climates may have more bodily pains than those in warmer climates. It is so because chilly temperatures can cause muscles to stiffen.


The good news is that the flu—and the pains it causes—usually passes in a few days to less than two weeks. And several therapeutic alternatives can assist in the process.

Take control of your body pains and flu recovery by following these simple steps:

6 Tips to Get Rid of Cold-Related Aches & Pains

1. Take an OTC Pain Reliever 

OTC pain medications can help you feel better. Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs), for example, are more likely to ease pains than other pain medicines like Tylenol (acetaminophen). Motrin or Advil (ibuprofen), aspirin, and Aleve (naproxen) are examples of NSAIDs.


If you can't use NSAID pain medicines because of renal difficulties, stomach problems, or other medical conditions, talk to your doctor about alternate options for treating your symptoms.


As for children, home remedies are the best solution to treat colds. With proper rest, like sleep and warm food, the cold can be healed within 2-3 days. If the cold persists or gets worse, then consult a pediatrician. 

2. Stay Hydrated

Your body loses more fluids when you have the flu or a fever because of excessive perspiration and, in rare situations, vomiting or diarrhea. Therefore, drinking enough clear drinks might assist your body in fighting illness by replenishing vital fluids.


Drinking soups, electrolytes, bone broth, or anything full of nutrients are all excellent options.

3. Get Plenty of Rest

Many immunological activities that are crucial for healing and decreasing inflammation in the body are regulated by sleep. Although painful bodily pains make sleeping difficult, urge yourself to relax when you have the flu. Sleeping and taking proper rest as much as possible will offer your body the best chance of fighting illness.

4. Apply Heat or Take a Warm Bath

Warm baths or showers can assist release stiffness in muscles and reduce discomfort in the body. Some physical pains may be relieved by using heating pads or blankets. However, to avoid burns, be careful not to apply too much heat. If you're worried about falling asleep, consider setting a timer.

5. Ease Aches With a Massage

Though a massage is unlikely to heal the illness overnight, it can help you recover more quickly in the long run. It is so because massage treatment can lower cortisol levels and relieve bodily pains. Cortisol, a stress hormone, impairs specific infection-fighting white blood cells, weakening your immunity.


Massage with topical comfort creams might help to enhance blood flow and relieve aches and pains.

6. Use a Vaporizer or Humidifier

Flu symptoms might be exacerbated by dry air. When a flu virus reaches your respiratory system, it becomes trapped in mucus, which prevents the infection from spreading. Therefore, maintaining a relative humidity level in your house between 40% and 60% can help minimize the spread of infection and improve respiratory symptoms like cough and congestion.


It can also help you heal faster by lowering discomfort and inflammation in your throat, as well as improving your sleep.

When to See a Healthcare Provider?

Your healthcare professional should be seen if you have severe bodily pains. If;

  • the pains don't go away after three days; see a doctor.
  • See a doctor if there is inadequate circulation in the region, which causes discomfort (for example, your legs)
  • You detect indications of infection around a muscle, such as redness or swelling.


Some people have severe consequences. If you find yourself in the following situations, dial 911 or go to the nearest emergency room:

  • You're vomiting and have a fever, as well as a stiff neck.
  • You're having trouble breathing.
  • You cannot move a section of your body due to muscular weakness.


The flu is a respiratory ailment caused by a virus that can last for weeks. Take pain medicines, remain hydrated, get lots of rest, take a warm bath, get a massage, and use a vaporizer to help you deal with them. 


However, the flu can sometimes progress to more severe diseases, such as pneumonia. As a result, keep checking for symptoms like chest discomfort, chills, fever, or shortness of breath and consult your doctor if needed.